Date Ideas: How Your Partner's Hobbies Can Strengthen Your Relationship

What is a unique interest or hobby your partner has that not many people know about?
Take a moment to think about all your partner's hobbies and interests that may be different from yours. Pretty fun stuff, huh! It's amazing how we each have developed different interests over time, based on our experiences.
With this week's date night ideas, we are going to take it one step further! Now that you've learned each other's hobbies and interests, it's time to put them into action!
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What to do:
Which one of your partner's interests or hobbies do you find most interesting? Which one would you like them to teach you? For your Date Night In idea, choose one of your partner's interests that you want to learn more about and then have them teach you more!
If your partner loves to bake or cook, and you aren't too great at it, have them walk you through one of their favorite recipes.
If your partner loves to take pictures, and you just don't have "the eye" for it, take some photos around the neighborhood while they teach you the skills!
It could be something as simple as juggling or as intricate as woodworking. The point of this activity is to learn more about your partner through something that interests them while creating some fun memories along the way!
Why are we doing this?
Having your partner teach you one of their skills is not only a great way to learn something new about them, but it's also a great way to bond and problem solve as a couple. This activity requires communication, teamwork, and patience. All of which are important to building a strong relationship.
What to do:
Now it's time to take your hobby-ing to the next level! You can use the same hobbies or interests as your Date Night In idea or you can choose two new ones, but decide which of your partner's hobbies or interests you want to learn more about and then find some activity to do with your partner outside of the house.
If your partner loves to cook, take a cooking class with them.
If your partner loves to photograph, take a photography class with them or visit a nearby park to take photos.
If they love music, go to a concert of their favorite genre.
Why are we doing this?
Again, you are using this activity to get to know your partner on a deeper level. You may have known about these interests, but watching them immerse themselves into something they love can be a special experience.
What to do:
Okay, here's where the real fun starts! Together, think of a new hobby neither of you has done before, but you find interesting. On YouTube, look up some "how-to" videos based on that hobby. Watch together and learn how to do that thing with your partner. You can use that $5 to buy materials for the hobby.
Get creative with your $5! If you want to learn how to play the guitar, find someone who has a guitar and give them $5 to rent it for the day. If you're going to learn an instrument, chances are there is an app you can download to simulate the instrument. Even if it is a little cheating, it's still an option!
Want to create a birdhouse for the backyard? Borrow some tools from a friend and find some scrap pieces of wood!
If you want to learn how to knit, visit some garage sales or ask around for friends that might have access to knitting needles.
Why are we doing this?
Learning a new hobby together is a great way to add some discovery to your relationship. You are creating new experiences and memories. You are expanding your mind and knowledge of different things. Best of all, you are helping and supporting each other to grow a specific skill together!